Friday, September 22, 2006


If wishes were horses...

If only Islam is a religion for "bargaining"..for "brokerage" or sorts...You would surely find Islam in tatters long ago, maybe, immediately after Our Prophet Mohamed left this world..But Islam is still intact and that is why everyone is jealous of Islam..The only reason it's still converting many non-muslims of all nationalities to the fold of Islam.

In Islam, you are either a Muslim or a non-muslim..There is no shortcut.

Take a case of Islam and here for the website of many Muslimahs.

Before Islam, Women had no right,were being enslaved, buried alive and typically treated like sub-human.Pre-Islamic MEN were shy when their women give birth to daughters.

Islam came and feminism started..(Remember, This is 1400yrs + ago) here to see the condition of women before Islam.

Under Islam, women got rights to Education, women are valued spiritually, valued physically and economically.Women in Islam are valued sometime even more than MEN.Women in Islam can pursue business activities, can seek employment and can Inherit, Muslim Women wear modest to keep them protected from men, sexual harrasment and so on..

Talk about the new "Feminism"..the one they call "liberation",

From the "westernized" point of view, it's a cheap way to sell women together with various items, to sell women with cars,magazines and furnitures..The sort of liberation that allows women to walk semi-naked..establish "nude" joints for "un-godly" activities, have multiple patners etc..

While women are reserved for high places in Islam, other religions don't give them many rights like Islam and that is now a very big reason why many former christians are women..

Islam is against all evils in the world including corruption, nudity, prostitution, brothels, pornography, free sex life, selling women like ornaments and for display......That is why everyone has a problem with Islam nowadays.

Better still, Muslims are supposed to study their religion, preach their religion and let the world know about "Why the World should Accept the true teachings of both Mohamed and Jesus"

If you wanna know about Islam, then, Please have a look at the below websites that will link you to ISLAM in relation to women.The sites are better placed to link you to the HOLY QURAAN(Islam's Holy Book) & HADEETH (An explanation of the Holy Quraan and sayings of the Prophet Mohamed saw)

The same websites will clarify what Islam says about women,Clarify Mis-interpretation of Islamic values with culture and at the same time, compare various religions(Christianity/Judaism) with Islam.

You will surely find Islam offers more for women

Many people normally confuse about Islam with practices like FGM(Female Genital Mutilation)
which is practiced in parts of Africa, Asia and Middle East.

Islam is against this,

Some Somali bloggers are attempting to criticize Islam, albeit without valid reasons.

So the earlier the better for them to constructively criticize Islam.Otherwise, they will fall into the trap like the way they did with Ayaan Hirsi...

Much of Islam's criticism comes from lack of Islamic teachings and influence from various non-Islamic environments..and confusing Islam and culture.

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