Modern Day Propaganda Against Islam
Whenever we hear the word 'propaganda', we immediately think of earlier wars: WW1 and the British propaganda against the Germans; WW2 and the German propaganda against the Jews.
But propaganda in this day and age? No way! Something like that could NEVER happen in our modern society, surely.
You may not realize it, but we are currently under the influence of massive global propaganda against the Islam as a religion and muslims.If you headlines like , you will see, they are saying Muslims are enslaving their women even in the USA.
Other headlines can be seen written like:
Where is the UN in This Fight Against Insane Islam?
whereas, headlines like this, are normally ignored.
While respected Magazines, like Times, awash readers with sentiments like this, .
Meanwhile Islam has withstood the test of time while Time magazine surveys this destruction of Islam at its own hands, it is bewildered to see Muslims grow in numbers and faith across the world increasing. Instead of explaining this phenomenon in a cool-headed and rational manner as the church recently did in South Africa, Time magazine abdicated its responsibility and laid bare its fanatic intolerance. The front page headline of Times once read Islam, but Islam is not explained.
If Islam had been explained and a comparative perspective presented, things would have stood out focussed in a very different light.
Anti-Muslim Abuse Soars After 7/7
Blair says Pakistan Responsible for Controlling its Extremist Seminaries
Security Council extends sanctions against al Qaeda, Taliban
Very seldom is any hard evidence presented, and yet the buzz phrases 'Al Qaeda', 'Muslim extremists', 'radical Islamists' and such like are repeated as "Terrorism".
Islam is in fact a peaceful 'way of life', not a radical religion. You will discover this if you ever read any original Islamic teachings, instead of allowing the news to influence you.
These 'news' items are all designed to foment hatred against the Islamic World. And this fits in perfectly with Albert Pike's plan for World War 3.
As you'll remember, Pike stated that WW3 "must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."
What is Propaganda?
The definition of propaganda has been widely debated, but there is little agreement about what it means. Some argue that all persuasive communication is propagandistic, while others suggest that only dishonest messages can be considered propaganda.
According to Harold Lasswell, "propaganda relies on symbols to attain its end: the manipulation of collective attitudes." He went further to state: "So great are the psychological resistances to war in modern nations, that every war must appear to be a war of defense against a menacing, murderous aggressor. There must be no ambiguity about who the public is to hate."
Prior to WW2, a book called Der Giftpilz (the German word for toadstool) was published to influence German's perceptions of Jews. Here's a typical quote: "Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal..."
Books like these played an important role in "the manipulation of collective attitudes" against the Jews.
Nowadays, radio and TV are a far more effective medium, hence the constant barrage of anti-Arab sentiment, just as Albert Pike predicted.
Please don't fall victim to this insidious plot.
Remember that this is a battle for control of your mind, and believing the propaganda against the Muslim world simply advances the plan for World War 3. All of the anti-Islam emotions will be called into action to justify any attack against an Islam nation that Israel will shortly instigate.
Live Free and Keep Thinking!
All the best,Michael HauptPS. If you have any Moslem friends, let them know that you don't believe the hype against Islam by forwarding this email to them, or by Telling Your Friends about ThreeWorldWars.